Post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftspending the quarantine in argentina listening to lover all day if you want to join.
Post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftsappho would be so proud of my progress in self lovei posted this to my story on instagram but here it is again this was my costume for the halloween party i went to last night flashlight and the rays in her mirror make this snap so cool and real, post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftsappho would be so proud of my progress in self lovei posted this to my story on instagram but here it is again this was my costume for the halloween party i went to last night flashlight and the rays in her mirror make this snap so cool and real. 6pm et so in that way the downloads will count for the charts good lucknote this giveaway is for latin american swifties only and just for fanpersonal accounts, post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftif you want to join. Se vc quiser so vim logado q te passo mas tb costumo usar a v2 dessa x e tambm a v1 dessa x. Even when i lose my mindif you want to join, please feel free to reblog dhi guys we are happy to announce we have a new member of the latin swiftie selfie night her name is valentina shining-just4u we are all friends with her. Post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswifthappy latin swiftie selfie night i literally cant wait to listen to folklore in a few hours im so proud of taylor i feel like this album is going to be her best one so far.
Post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftwere back with our selfie night we have reblogged a few of them keep posting your selfies and how youre preparing for tonight were so excited for folkloreif you want to join, were giving away 5 digital downloads of and 3 digital downloads of the single the winners 8 will be announced on thursday 5pm ecuador time 5pm mexico. Were giving away 5 digital downloads of and 3 digital downloads of the single the winners 8 will be announced on thursday 5pm ecuador time 5pm mexico.
Post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftif you want to join. Our 8 winners aresurprisesince know how hard its to get merch for us international swifties and specially during these times.
Were giving away 5 digital downloads of and 3 digital downloads of the single the winners 8 will be announced on thursday 5pm ecuador time 5pm mexico, that i see this babe performim in a mix of pround. Post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftref a ce07aafe382340ad85f9018f03743d96 ref b fraedge1406 ref c 2021-06-06t233640zoii amr, post a selfie using the hashtag latinswiftieselfienight taylorswiftlove this filter. Tenho usado uma que eu mesma fiz.